Solar Power And Energy Storage

HomeSolar Power And Energy Storage

We at AZM BURRAQ – a pioneer company in the power sector – believe that renewable energy is not just the future but it’s the present we are living in. We are contributing to solar power generation to help reach a 100% clean, economical, and sustained energy market. AZM BURRAQ offers solar power generation and is likely to introduce energy storage solutions. Not only that we are moving to add a contribution toward climate-friendly power sources but we intend to increase the efficiencies of solar power plants through the integration of solar generation with energy storage solutions.


Residential Off-Grid, On-Grid and Hybrid


Commercial Buildings

Off-Grid and On-Grid


Industrial Specific to Application

Generating electricity from solar power varies greatly due to the unpredictable nature of the weather. It may end up producing relatively less, fluctuating, and sometimes even more electricity than is actually needed. Energy storage systems solve this problem by storing surplus energy and making it available

at a later time when needed. Electricity can then be taken from the stored energy and fed into the grid. As solar power generation is gaining the momentum and energy storage market is being created, AZM BURRAQ extends its presence by providing such integrated solutions – technically proven and environmentally sustainable.